Real Fitness Naples

Real Fitness Naples

There is fit, then there is Crossfit

The main type of training and memberships offered at Real Fitness are our Crossfit Group WOD's. All of our warm-ups and workouts are provided for you each day with the instruction of a Certified CrossFit Coach (with the exception of Sunday, which is an "open gym" day).

The structure of Real Fitness' trainings are by the hour. On each hour, starting at 5AM, members are able to come in to start their warm-up. At the completion of the warm-up the equipment and instruction needed for the workout are set up specific to your skill and ability level for that particular movement. Each workout is timed for intensity purposes; it also allows members to compare their times to some of the most beginner and advanced athletes in our gym.

To conclude the day, our last workout of the day (WOD) begins at 7PM. Each individual planning on coming into the gym to perform a workout should plan to be here for about one hour. On average, workouts last between ten and 30 minutes; but with our warm-ups and stretching your gym stay adds up to about one hour.

Our CrossFit "Group WOD's" are the main workouts held at Real Fitness. Workouts consist of constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity with the assistance of a Certified CrossFit Coach. All workouts are scaled to individual fitness levels allowing any age and ability to complete the workouts of the day (WOD).

Real Fitness members may be called on to run, row, climb ropes, jump up on boxes, flip tires, and carry odd objects. They may also bounce medicine balls against the floor or a target on a wall.

Each workout will use a combination of the following movements:

Weight lifting: not just dumbbells -- but kettlebells, medicine balls, olympic lifts and anything else we can find to lift or throw

Gymnastics: i.e. body control movements, including the air squat, push-up, pull-up, dip, and any other body weight exercise

Mono-structural exercise: i.e. cardiovascular training -- running, rowing, cycling, swimming, stair climbing, etc.

You can expect to be at the gym for at least 60 minutes. Wear comfortable gym attire that you can train in, and shoes that are suitable for cross training.

Address & Contact
Street: 2650 Immokalee Rd. N. Ste 3
City: Naples
State: FL
Zip: 34110
Phone: 239-325-8188
Category: Business services
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